My name is Ed Hughes. I spent the last 27 years sport fishing the globe and was the harbormaster in my hometown for 8. I’m a Dad to 3 great men and a grandfather of 3! I have held many different titles in my life, but the one that matters the most now is........ throat cancer survivor.
In November of 2007, I was diagnosed with Stage 4 throat cancer. I was told that there wasn’t much of a chance to see 6 months. I went through the usual medicines, chemotherapy, radiation and a bilateral throat dissection. During the last phase of radiation and chemo, I came to a crossroad. On a cold and gray February morning, I went to my usual radiation appointment physically beat up from my last chemo session and mentally exhausted. Sitting alone in the room for the first time, I lost all hope. I got to the point where I just couldn’t do it anymore. Then, through a pair of swinging doors, a couple of attendants wheeled a little girl by me. She was about six years old. She had tubes everywhere and a tiny beanie on her little bald head. She looked asleep but as she passed by, her eyes opened and she looked right at me and smiled. Time completely stopped. I smiled back. From then on, I got it! There was no need for self pity. There were others suffering like me but who had so much more of life to live. I was determined to embrace what was left of mine right then and there! That was several years ago now, but that smile still lights my being and inspires my every day.
It was after that encounter, and subsequent surgeries and treatments, I decided to grab my camera and start shooting. It started out with a simple shot of a mother robin and her fledglings nestled in a nest in my house gutter and has evolved to owls, bears, and bison. Ten years have passed, and I haven’t stopped. Not only has photography helped me get back on my feet, it has opened my eyes to the beauty we have right here in our own backyard and beyond. I continue to be grateful and blown away by my encounters. All because of a little girl's smile.
May you all find that little girl when you need her the most!
Thank you,
Ed Hughes
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